Magic Hat Brewing Chillswitch Wheat I.P.A. (12 oz)

Magic Hat Brewing Chillswitch Wheat I.P.A.
From the "Can"
  • Sound Check Series
  • Est. 1994
  • Somewhere on the control board of your mind lies the Chillswitch. With the blink of an eye and the crack of a beer, it’s engaged. The earbuds go in, the feet go up and the chill sets in. Chillswitch is an incredibly smooth IPA with an upfront grapefruit hop aroma and a subtly sweet malt backbone.
  • Greetings!! When In Vermont, Come By And Visit Us @ Our Brewery & The Artifactory
  • Magic Hat Brewing Co., So. Burlington, VT;

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Brewer's Exegesis

Somewhere on the control board of your mind lies the Chillswitch. With the blink of an eye and the crack of a beer, it’s engaged. The earbuds go in, the feet go up and the chill sets in. Chillswitch is an incredibly smooth IPA with an upfront grapefruit hop aroma and a subtly sweet malt backbone.