Magic Hat Brewing Circus Boy The HefeWeizen (12 oz)

Magic Hat Brewing Circus Boy The HefeWeizen
From the "Can"
  • Est. 1994 - Vermont
  • Unfiltered And Unfettered
  • Circus Boy is cloudy by nature. Rouse gently to release flavor.
  • Circus Boy is a refreshing unfiltered American-style Hefeweizen whose prolific American Hefeweizen yeast swings among the bubbles, creating a mysterious haze. Just below the surface of his light malt body lies a mischievous addition of lemongrass and a subtle citrusy finish.
  • Ale Brewed With Lemongrass
  • Greetings!! When In Vermont, Come By And Visit Us @ Our Brewery & The Artifactory
  • Magic Hat Brewing Co., So. Burlington, VT - Rochester, NY;

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Brewer's Exegesis

Is he a who? Or a what? Or perhaps some of both? No one knows for sure as he only travels under heavy clouds of night... Away from his cage, he appears in the distance, causing mischief all around him.