Oskar Blues Death By Coconut Irish Style Porter (12 oz)

Oskar Blues Death By Coconut Irish Style Porter
From the "Can"
  • Coconut Chocolate Coconut - Pass. Dash. Hit.
  • With Natural Flavors
  • Pack It In, Pack It Out
  • Cans Infinitely Recyclable
  • Cholaco.com - Pure Liquid Cacao
  • Oskar Blues Brewery, LLC, Longmont, Colorado, ww.oskarblues.com

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Brewer's Exegesis

Intense pure liquid cacao flavors swirl with popping coconut aromas, all supported by a semi-sweet porter made from loads of our dark chocolate and extra dark caramel malt. This limited release specialty comes around once a year to satisfy that sweet tooth, so get ’em while you can before they disappear. At 6.5% ABV and 25 IBUs, this choconut goodness will have you yellin’ “Pass. Dash. Hit.” all winter long.