Spoetzl Brewery Shiner Holiday Cheer Ale (12 oz)

Spoetzl Brewery Shiner Holiday Cheer Ale
From the "Can"
  • Ale Brewed With Peaches And Pecans And With Natural Flavor And Caramel Color
  • 'Tis The Season For Cheer
  • Spoetzl Brewery, Shiner, Texas 1909

pay tribute to your slothful, work-shy neighbor who 'saves time' by keeping his Xmas decorations up 365 days a year - winch up a cold Spoetzl product such as this dunkelweizen and shout "Cheers!" at your most high-spirited and lubricated volume

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Brewer's Exegesis

Holiday traditions come in all shapes and sizes. Ours comes in freshly wrapped bottles and cans. This old-world dunkelweizen is brewed with Texas peaches and roasted pecans - perfect for cracking open in front of a crackling fire. It's beginning to look a lot like Happy Hour.