Terrapin Beer So Fresh So Green Green IPA (12 oz)

Terrapin Beer So Fresh So Green Green IPA
From the "Can"
  • Ain't Nobody Hopped Like Me!
  • India Pale Ale
  • Terrapin's "So Fresh and So Green, Green" is a beer that celebrates the hop! Made with freshly picked, whole leaf, "wet" hops, these off-the-vine beauties will encourage you to drink fresh, and drink now.
  • Pack In - Pack Out
  • Fresh Hop - Citra
  • Pinkerton
  • Terrapin Beer Co., Athens, GA; www.terrapinbeer.com

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Brewer's Exegesis

Enjoy the 2018 release of So Fresh and So Green, Green, our annual fresh hop beer! This year’s Glacier hops were freshly picked by brewmaster Spike and driven down from Michigan by our friends at Hop Head Farms! Glacier hops give a light and pleasant, yet noticeable and satisfying bitterness, coupled with an herbal and citrusy aroma. Pair with: Gorgonzola & Limberger, or a quinoa pomegranate salad. Hops include Glacier Hops, and malts include 2-Row Pale, Maris Otter, Honey Malt, Crystal 85.