Samuel Adams Nitro Coffee Stout (15 oz)

Samuel Adams Nitro Coffee Stout
From the "Can"
  • Stout With Coffee Added
  • Chill Before Pouring. Nitro Doesn't Like To Be Contained, It Creates Pressure That May Cause Unchilled Cans To Overflow.
  • Pop And Pour - Enjoy From A Glass
  • Chill - Pour - Enjoy
  • A Nitro Widget Inside This Can Gives Our Coffee Stout It's Incredibly Smooth, Creamy Taste. You'll Notice A Swirling Cascade Of Energy As The Beer Settles Into Your Glass. The Widget Does The Work For You, So Chill, Pour & Enjoy!
  • Freshness Matters. Enjoy Before Date On Bottom.
  • Boston Beer Company, Boston, MA and Breiningsville, PA;

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Brewer's Exegesis

Darkly Enticing - smooth, velvety cream cascades into a jet black brew revealing a rich, robust character. The dark roasted malts create notes of bittersweet chocolate with hints of dark fruit while the Sumatran & Indian Monsoon Malabar coffees develop a deep roasty dimension.