Terrapin Beer Moo-Hoo Chocolate Milk Stout (12 oz)

Terrapin Beer Moo-Hoo Chocolate Milk Stout
From the "Can"
  • "Enjoy It ...Til The Cows Come Home"
  • The "Moo-Hoo" Chocolate Milk Stout proudly uses cocoa nibs from Olive and Sinclair Chocolate Company to give this beer its chocolaty great taste!
  • Seasonal Sessions - Limited Release
  • More Cowbell - More Cowbell
  • Malt Beverage With Natural Flavors
  • Pack In - Pack Out
  • Terrapin Beer Co., Athens, GA

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Brewer's Exegesis

Dark brown to black in color. Aromas of dark chocolate. Dark roasted malt flavor with hints of caramel and chocolate, rounded out by a sweet, creamy finish. Please pair with: Aged Sonoma Jack or Aged Gouda, or rich stews with a Moo-Hoo base, fall vegetable Gratin with aged cheddar or Braised chicken with a rich Oaxacan Mole sauce.